Wild & Arrow
Marsha & James - Trans Symbol Necklace Silver
We love to make this necklace! A Trans symbol pendant, hand-formed and made in Sterling Silver, with chain in your desired length.
All the proceeds from the sale of this symbol goes to Regnbågsfonden.
We make the silver necklace in brushed silver or oxidized dark silver. Also available in golden bronze.
Welcome to our store at Södermalm in Stockholm to try it on!
- Sterling Silver Symbol (100% recycled silver)
- Oxidized Dark or Shiny Silver
- Symbol Pendant is approx 5x4cm, 2mm thick
- Shipped in Gift Box
- Sterling Silver Chain (minimum 90% recycled silver), 45cm* in photo
*Our most popular chain lengths are 45cm for a short necklace and 70cm for a long one. You are welcome to try it on and change length later.
Your jewelry will arrive in a Wild & Arrow gift box made of eco friendly fiber. Store your jewelry in this box when not wearing to make it last a lifetime.
Ethical vegan production and materials, green studio practices.
This pendant is named after two strong and amazing people in history.
Marsha P. Johnson (1945 – 1992)
An activist, self-identified drag queen, performer, and survivor. She was a prominent figure in the Stonewall uprising of 1969. Marsha went by “BLACK Marsha” before settling on Marsha P. Johnson. The “P” stood for “Pay It No Mind,” which is what Marsha would say in response to questions about her gender.
James Barry (1789-1865)
A celebrated surgeon in the British Army; James performed one of the first documented cesarean sections in which both mother and infant survived. James also worked to improve access to clean water for rich and poor alike, and drew up strict rules for the humane treatment of patients.
Today we might call Barry a trans man: someone who was assigned female at birth but who identified as a man and transitioned their name and appearance to align with that understanding of themselves. Barry could not have used the word trans to describe himself—it was first used in this context in 1974 — but his story has many elements that transgender people today might find familiar.
Halsband med stor trans-symbol i silver inklusive kedja i önskad längd.
Vi gör våra silversmycken i skinande silver eller oxiderat mörkt grå/svart silver.
Handtillverkad design, gjuten i miljövänlig återvunnen silver och slutligen slipad för hand i vår verkstad i anslutning till butiken på Södermalm.
- Äkta Sterling Silver Hänge (100% återvunnet silver)
- Oxiderad Mörk eller Skinande Silver
- Symbolhänget är ca 5cm x 4cm x 2mm
- Skickas i presentask
- Sterling Silver Kedja, i bilden 45cm
Våra kedjor är tillverkade i Italien med minst 90% återvunnet silver och 100% återvunnet guld.